Carambola Fruit Fly

BactroceraCarambolaeOriginally from tropical Asia, the Carambola Fruit Fly was introduced in South America in Suriname in the 70’s. It spread into Guyana, French-Guiana and the state of Amapa, Brazil.





Symptoms and Infestation

BactroceraCarambolaeSymptomsInfestations of Carambola fruit fly on fruits can be found as the dark dots, caused by egg-laying. Especially on carambola, cherry and guava this can be seen, other fruits show less to no symptoms of infestation.






The Carambola fruit fly has spread from Suriname to Guyana, French-Guiana and to the state of Amapa in Brazil. It is especially present in cultivated areas, due to the hosts, but it is also infesting some wild hosts and might therefore be adapting to our ecosystem.



Carambola fruit y males strongly react to the lure methyl-eugenol, a fragrance from cloves. This can be used to apply Male Annihilation Technique, in which blocks impregnated with the lure and an insecticide are spread in a large area, during at least a year, resulting in the absence of males, which are attracted by the lure and killed by the insecticide in the blocks. This technique only works if applied in a large area.


What Can We Do?

  • Do NOT bring into your country any fruit or agricultural produce without the required Plant Quarantine Import Permits/Approval
  • When you travel declare all agricultural items.
  • Report any infested (pierced or larvae present) fruit to your Ministry or Department of Agriculture
  • If fruit flies are present do not sell or transport infested fruit
  • Follow all control recommendations from your Ministry or Department of Agriculture

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