Slide background
Slide background Safeguarding Plant Resources through Regional Collaboration
Slide background Keep TR4 out of our region Protect our banana industry

The Caribbean Plant Health Directors Forum

A collaboration of National Plant Health Services Regional and International Organizations, Government entities, Universities and Reference Laboratories with the common purpose of safeguarding the plant resources of the greater Caribbean Region (GCR) from the threat of quarantine pest; improving plant health through the control and management of existing pests; and expanding production and trade of agricultural commodities; in order to increase food security, protect the unique environment and enhance the quality of life and economic wellbeing of the people of the countries and territories of the Greater Caribbean Region.

Safeguarding Plant Resources

Safeguard our agriculture and nutrition do NOT bring in undeclared agricultural planting material or soil.

Improving Plant Health

Monitor for signs and symptoms of pest/diseases

Protecting Agriculture

Report any suspected signs and symptoms to your Ministry or Department of Agriculture.



The CPHD Forum, in it's 10+ years of existence has achieved numerous successes and contributed greatly to the plant health and protection sector in the Caribbean region. Here are just a few of CPHD Forum's notable achievements...

Upcoming Events

12May, 2024

International Day of Plant Health

International Day of Plant Health  | 12th May Theme: Plant health, safe trade and digital technology


The threat of pest and diseases is real and has the potential to seriously damage our agriculture and food supply. These are some of the priority pests that can affect agriculture and cause a significant economic impact.

Learn about our Technical Working Groups and Sub-Committees

The CPHD comprises of Technical Working Groups and Sub-Committees:

Fruit Fly Technical Working Group

To safeguard the Caribbean from threats and /or the impacts of introduction, economic damage, and spread of tephritid fruit flies through investigation/ research and the provision of advice and training on all matters related to tephritid fruit flies.

Mollusc Technical Working Group

To safeguard the Caribbean from threats and /or the impacts of introduction, economic damage, and spread of plant pests through investigation, research and the provision of advice on all matters related to Molluscs Pest.

Palm Pest Technical Working Group

The general objective of this working group is to safeguard the Caribbean from threats and/or the impacts of introduction, economic damage and spread of pests of palms through scientific investigation/research and the provision of advice on all matters related to pests of palms.

Emergency Preparedness Technical Working Group

To safeguard the Greater Caribbean from threats and/or the impacts from the introduction, establishment, and spread of plant pests by developing an emergency preparedness, response and recovery plan and mechanism for implementation to manage and mitigate pest outbreaks.

Safeguarding Technical Working Group

To assist in providing technical and policy recommendations to the Caribbean Plant Health Directors (CPHD) Forum towards safeguarding the Caribbean economies (and such sectors as agriculture, tourism and the environment) from the impact of introduction, establishment and spread of plant pests.

Musa Technical Working Group

Description coming soon!

Communications Technical Working Group

To focus on all publications related to the Caribbean Plant Health Directors Forum.

Caribbean Pest Diagnostic Network

Caribbean Pest Diagnostic Network (CPDN) database provides a collaboration and communication tool for plant inspectors, scouts, consultants, extension personnel and diagnosticians to share information on plant pests.

Regional Pests Lists

Description coming soon!

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Video: Plant Health Series – The importance of plant health in One Health

Keynote speaker Sarah Brunel, Lead of the Implementation and Facilitation Unit (IFU) at the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), explored global standards and strategies for controlling the spread of plant pests and diseases. Access Sarah Brunel’s presentation slides here: This talk was part of the Royal Society of Biology Plant Health Series and took […]

Call for national and regional case studies on One Health – “The Importance of Plant Health within One Health”

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) has launched a call for national and regional case studies, from the IPPC Community, that explains the essential role of plant health within the One Health framework. Chosen case studies will be showcased at the upcoming CPM-19 Science Session (if time allows). Deadline for submissions: 3rd March 2025 Interested in sharing […]

CPHD Forum 7th Issue of the Biannual E-Newsletter – Year in Review

To facilitate trade, plant health is a matter of importance to the Caribbean region. The Caribbean Plant Health Directors Forum has employed numerous mechanisms over the last fifteen (17) years to achieve the goals of communication and visibility, including exchanging information via the annual CPHD Forum. Annual meetings combine the efforts of Sanitary and Phyto […]

The CPHD Musa Technical Working Group Discusses Its Workplan for 2025

The CPHD Musa Technical Working Group (TWG) has outlined its priorities for 2025, focusing on innovative strategies and tools to support the Caribbean’s banana and plantain sector, particularly in addressing Foc TR4 challenges. Key initiatives include: Developing a Farmer Field School Guide tailored for Caribbean banana producers with a specific focus on Foc TR4 management. […]

The CPHD Forum, in partnership with OIRSA, conducts Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) Study Tour – November 2024

The CPHD Forum, in partnership with OIRSA, conducts Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) study tour: Currently five representatives from the CPHD Forum are in Mexico conducting a technical and diplomatic study tour on Maize Lethal Necrosis facilitated by CPHD partner: OIRSA. During this visit, the CPHD Forum team will engage with leading MLN research institutions, including […]

Trinidad and Tobago, 2024

The CPHD Forum is the Technical Committee to the Caribbean RPPO – Caribbean Agriculture Health and Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA) on agriculture and plant health issues and is comprised of 32 Member Countries and Partner Organizations. The Caribbean Plant Health Directors (CPHD) Forum convened the 17th session of the annual meetings from the 26th-30th August 2024.

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